The Waterlow Score is a tried and tested method of Risk Assessment for Pressure Sores. Download the Waterlow Score Card here
  • Pressure sores are more likely to occur in the following situations: 
  • Old age: 70 % of pressure sores occur in this age group due to a combination of age related skin changes and lower mobility. 
  • Immobility: inactivity makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood around the body delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin and increasing the likelihood of a pressure sore. - Is moving becoming more problematic? 
  • Obesity: excess weight makes moving difficult and can hide the development of a pressure sore deep in the tissue. - Has there been weight change? 
  • Incontinence: urine and faecal matter causes the skin to become irritated which can lead to skin breakdown. - Is skin frequently exposed to moisture? 
  • Malnutrition and dehydration: malnutrition and lack of fluids affects the suppleness of the skin and general health and wellbeing. - Have eating and drinking quantities changed? 
  • Ill Health: Disorders such as confusion or dementia may reduce mental awareness and prevent a person from feeling the discomfort of positions which may encourage a pressure sore. Certain medication can increase the likelihood of developing a pressure sore, especially sedatives which affect the degree of movement of the body. Other conditions such as diabetes and arterial disease can also increase the risk of pressure ulcers as the supply of blood and oxygen to body tissue may be restricted.
  • Inadequate seating or bedding: Where a cushion or bed is used which is unsuitable for the person using it. For example a seat that is too low or too high.
If a concern is raised, a carer or health professional will undertake a risk assessment, taking the above points into account. If necessary, the results of the risk assessment will include a prevention plan. The Waterlow scale may be used as part of this assessment. 

SupaSupport pressure relief systems minimise cross infection and hygiene problems which have recently become major issues facing Health Service providers across Europe. Systems are available in a range of materials and support levels to provide maximum comfort.